Monday, June 15, 2009

Less calm, but not yet neurotic

It is officially mid-month, and there has not been one murmur of a rumor out of China. I was really hoping that this week would bring something... but not a peep. I'm hoping that we may begin to hear something mid-week, but I'm beginning to resign myself to the fact that we may not get our referral until sometime next week, or the week after. I'm a little disappointed because I am so ready to see my daughter's face. But, I also know that just a few more days or weeks of patience, and I will finally know who she is. I have been wondering if someone is looking at our file and looking at baby files, and is determining which baby belongs with us. Or maybe we have already been matched, and they are waiting for the final sign off from the director so they can get that stork flying. Wherever they are, I just hope they finish up soon.

It's 8:15 AM in China, so the CCAA should be at work. Cross your fingers that they are getting referrals ready to send.