Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's Official... WE ARE NEXT!!!!

Well, the stork landed today, and as rumored, the cutoff was 3/14. So, there is a very, very good (99%) chance that we are next! Not really sure when to expect referrals, but at least I will only have to go through this one last time.

I have to admit that I don't think all of this has actually set in yet. I keep saying, and typing, "We are Next!", but it just seems so surreal. I guess after waiting for 3 years, I just can't believe that this is actually going to happen. I think even Brian is beginning to feel the realness of this all.

We are definitely excited, and maybe a little concerned that Brian will not be able to finish the toy box in time for her to come home. But I suppose if I coax and help, maybe we can get that done.

I'm sure that this will sink in soon, and I will just have to make it through the next few weeks... sanity intact. I guess I made it 38 months already... so what's another couple weeks right?

Until next time....