Thursday, November 02, 2006

Referrals are Here!

And it's a big batch! August 25 is the cutoff for this batch, which doesn't seem that spectacular since it only covers 16 days worth of LIDs (last month was 18). But... August 24 was a HUGE day! I'm not sure what was happening at the CCAA last August, but a lot of dossiers were logged in on August 24, and the fact that the CCAA got through the 24 and the 25 may actually move us up by a month! It's a long shot, but it's the first glimmer of hope we've had for a while, so I'll take what I can get! I don't want to jinx hinting at signs of stablization, but I will celebrate the progress of a good month!

As far as other superstitions go, Grandma Lu has promised that she will not buy another item for Hana until we receive our referral. For those of you who didn't know... everytime she bought something, the timeline grew to one more month. And just to instill confidence, Kevin knows about the plan and has promised to help in her moments of weakness and take away her credit cards. It was a hard deal to broker, but we managed. The caveat is she can go wild the day she sees Hana's face for the first time.

Thanks to everyone for your support throughout all of this uncertainty. It's defintely taken longer than we expected, but it will happen one day. And it will be worth the wait.